Tips, Tricks & Hacks Archives - Page 8 of 10 - BXP Creative
September 14, 2018
what is website optimization?

What is Website Optimization?

Just as in a brick-and-mortar store, window-shoppers are nice, but buyers pay the bills. Website optimization is a scientific process designed to figure out the characteristics of your target demographic(s), attract prospects to your website and convert them. Who are the best prospects? What do they like and dislike? How can the user experience be improved?
September 7, 2018
start web design with a sitemap

Why You Should Start Your Web Design With a Sitemap

Whenever you decide to build something, you need a plan. Before the first shovelful of dirt is moved to lay a foundation, you've completed a set of blueprints for the finished building. A sitemap works similarly when building a new website.
August 24, 2018
is direct mail dead?

Is Direct Mail Dead in a Digital World?

Yes, the internet is an incredible marketplace. And it’s true, a business can't afford to ignore digital marketing...however, digital marketing is not the only form of effective marketing. Direct mail still works and can return a more than respectable ROI. Here’s how.
August 17, 2018
how to use CTAs for lead generation

How to Use CTAs for Lead Generation

Leads are the lifeblood of your business. Yet, if you're like most marketers, you're having trouble generating enough of them. Well-executed and placed CTAs (calls to action) are great at generating leads and using them is an opportunity that can't be overlooked.
August 10, 2018
long tail keywords are the future of search

Why Long Tail Keywords are the Future of Search

We can't overstate the importance of using long-tail keywords for building your brand today and into the future. How people perform internet searches is changing at an escalating rate. Understanding why long-tail keywords have become so important and learning how to use long-tail keywords effectively presents a unique opportunity for your business to succeed. We’ll explain how.